GUIDE: 10 steps to help you lead in times of uncertainty

Leading through uncertainty requires great skill, flexibility, and empathy, and also presents an opportunity for leaders and their teams to shape the future. Giving your leaders the tools they need to create a clear vision, helps to keep people focused on what to prioritize amongst the myriad of activities, demands, and opportunities that emerge during challenging situations.

Leaders have had a roller-coaster ride over the last 16 months, and now we have all had some time to reflect, how are you feeling about your leadership approach during that period?

Looking back do you think your leaders were ill-prepared for the difficult conversations and challenges, such as putting staff on furlough or canceling work? Do you wish you had fully armed your leaders in preparation for the crisis? Do you wish you could have given them the right tools to manage themselves and the situation with a positive mindset?

The pandemic is an extreme, yet relevant, example of how we are often leading others through times of uncertainty. Uncertainty generates a range of emotions and can be extremely unsettling, leading to dysfunctional teams and the breakdown of relationships and trust.

Leading through uncertainty requires great skill, flexibility, and empathy, but also presents an opportunity for leaders and their teams to shape the future. Giving your leaders the tools they need to create a clear vision, helps to keep people focused on what to prioritize amongst the myriad of activities, demands, and opportunities that emerge during challenging situations.

Preparing your leaders both personally and professionally, to see opportunities during a storm, allowing them to fail fast and fail forward, will build behavioral skills your leaders will need to thrive in adversity, shifting hearts and mindsets along the way!

Here are three simple steps you can take to help you and your leaders during times of uncertainty:

  1. Be stoic, and focus on the areas you can control.
  2. Create clarity by simplifying all internal communications.
  3. Empower your team by allowing them to be part of the decision-making process.

If you think these three tips are useful, we have a full 10 step guide you can download for FREE.
